Erahuvikool Tarkuseterake pakub inglise keele kursusi 4 – 7 aastastele lastele.
Kursused on planeeritud põhirõhuga arendada laste suhtlemisoskust ja enesekindlust.
Õpetajad kasutavad tundides kaasaegseid õppematerjale.
Õppimine on lõbus ja meeldejääv, sest kasutame läbimõeldud lastepäraseid tegevusi ja põnevat õppematerjali Happy House I/Happy House II, lisamaterjalina Wow! English (Red).
HH I JA HH II on 2-aastane suuline inglise keele kursus.
HH õpikutes on laste jaoks põnev süzee, milles on tuttav igapäevamaailm ja fantaasiamaailm.
Õpiku tegelased Polly, Jack ja nende väike õde saavad lastele suureks sõbraks, samuti elavad lapsed kaasa põranda all elevate hiirte toredatele seiklustele.
Kohtume tunnis!
tundide toimumise kuupäevad
NB! Punasega märgitud tunde ei toimu.
Goodbye, Otto!
Daisy’s breakfast
Main language
Hello, I’m…; What’s your name?
Goodbye. Good morning.
Who’s this?; It’s…
Here’s a (window).
It’s Otto!
Polly’s magic trick
Main language
a bag, a book, a pen, a pencil, a pencil-case, a ruler
What’s in my bag? There’s a (book).
What’s this? It’s (a pencil-case). Yes / No.
Numbers 1–10; How many (pencil)s?
(One) and more is (two).
Four cakes
Daisy’s drum
Main language
a car, a doll, a drum, a guitar, a plane, a train
(three) (doll`s)
blue, green, orange, pink, red, yellow,
a (red) (pen)
Eight (squares), one (circle), one (triangle).
Main language
This is my family.
mum, dad, sister, brother
Two red socks
Daisy’s favourite song
Main language
a hat, a jumper, a shoe, a skirt, a sock, a T-shirt
black, grey, purple, white
Where’s my T-shirt?
One (red) (sock), two (red) (socks)
Here you are. Thank you.
My favourite (T-shirt) is (green).
Put on / Take off your (jumper).
A present for Spike
The birthday card
Main language
a badge, a balloon, a cake, a candle, a card, a present
I’ve got…
Is it a (balloon)?
How old are you? I´m (seven).
Jump! Dance! Shake! Clap! Stamp your feet! Freeze!
Main language
a dinosaur, grapes, ice cream, a party bag, sandwiches, stickers, sweets
Ruby to the rescue!
Daisy has a wash
Main language
a duck, a hairbrush, shampoo, soap, a toothbrush,
a towel
Can you (see me)? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
I wash my (face). I brush my (hair).
It’s cold /warm / hot.
Otto and the dog
Daisy’s rabbit
Main language
a bird, a cat, a dog, a mouse, a snake, a tiger
There’s a (dog) in the house.
Do you like (dogs)? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
a crocodile, a rabbit, a shark
Where’s (Otto)? on, in
Where do (tigers) live? On land. In water.
Main language
jump, run, sit
a goldfish, a hamster
pumpkin, witch, black cat, ghost, bat, lantern
Valentine’s Day
friend, card, heart, chocolate, balloons
Happy Christmas!
a bell, a Christmas stocking, a Christmas tree, a fairy, a star
Happy Easter!
a basket, a chicken, chocolate, Easter Day,
an Easter egg, flowers
Teise aasta õppekava
Key lexis
a crocodile, a lion, a monkey, a snake, a tiger,
a zebra
Main language
I can /can’t see…
Can you see a (monkey)? Yes / No
Cross-curricular links:
Can (zebras) (run)?
cimb trees, fly
Key lexis
a book, a chair, a clock, a pen, a table, a teacher
Main language
This is my / your (friend).
A (blue) book.
It’s a (red) clock.
How many (car’s)?
Cross-curricular links:
It’s (loud).
quiet, fast slow
Key lexis
bread, cheese, fish, pasta, rice, youghurt
Main language
Do you like (cheese)? Yes / No
I like (limonade ).
I don’t like (coffee).
Cross-curricular links:
From cows we get milk. From milk we get (youghurt).
butter, cakes, cereal, ice cream, wheat
Key lexis
a class, a classroom, an exercise book, a lunch box
a pencil case, a school bag
Key lexis
ear(s), eye(s), face, hair, mouth, nose
(big, small, black, blond, brown, red)
Main language
I’ve got (big) (ears).
I’ve got (brown) (hair).
Cross-curricular links:
I see with my eyes. I hear with my ears. I taste with my mouth. I smell with my nose. I touch with my hands.
Key lexis
a bathroom, a bedroom, a garden, a hall, a kitchen, a sitting room
Main language
Is it a (television)?
I don’t know.
Where’s my sock?
Is it in the (hall)?
Is it on the (table)?
It’s on / in…
Cross-curricular links:
It’s uppstairs / downstairs
It’s on the left / the right
Key lexis
a castle, a pirate ship, a slide, a swing
Main language
This bedroom is (yellow and blue).
There’s a (doll) on the (bed).
Key lexis
a dress, sandals, shorts, a sunhat,
a T-shirt, trainers
Main language
I’m wearing (a T-shirt).
What are you wearing?
Take off your (hat).
Are you wearing (a T-shirt)?
Cross-curricular links:
It’s sunny / rainy / snowy / windy.
Key lexis
a ball, a bike, a boat, a scooter,
a skipping rope, a trampoline
(hopping, jumping, playing,
riding a bike, running, skipping)
Main language
I’m (swimming)
Cross-curricular links:
I’m pushing / pulling
pumpkin, witch, black cat, ghost, bat, lantern
Valentine’s Day
friend, card, heart, chocolate, balloons
Happy Christmas!
a bell, a Christmas stocking, a Christmas tree, a fairy, a star
Happy Easter!
a basket, a chicken, chocolate, Easter Day,
an Easter egg, flowers
Erahuvikool Tarkuseterake pakub inglise keele õpet Haridus- ja Teadusministeeriumi tegevusloa ja Eesti Hariduse Infosüsteemis registreeritud õppekava alusel. Tarkusekoolitus OÜ(registrikood 1432950). Erahuvikool Tarkuseterake õppekava – Inglise keel (kood:193899).
Erahuvikool Tarkuseterake korraldab inglise keele kursusi lasteaedades.
Minimaalne osalejate arv on 5 õpilast.
OKTOOBER 2023 – MAI 2024
Nõlvaku Lasteaias alustame 02.10
Tuleviku Lasteaias alustame 04.10
Õpetada esimesed sammud tundma end enesekindlalt ingliskeelses keskkonnas kogu vajamineva grammatika ja kasuliku sõnavaraga.
Õppemaks poolaasta kaupa tasumisel 29€ kuus
Kuu kaupa tasumisel 32€ kuus
Inglise keele kursusi juhendavad õpetajad omavad õpetaja kvalifikatsiooni ja inglise keele õpetamise pikaajalist kogemust.
Happy House I/II Oxford University Press,
Wow! English (Red)